Take a look at this…
It’s a picture I took on Sunday night that reminded me of the amazing “journey” that I’m on:
It’s my boys (Harry) first ever soccer game.
And, it just happened to be in “Los Angeles” (…watching the LA Galaxy).
Roughly 6000 miles away from where we call home.
See, thanks to everything that I learned about how to market my Physical Therapy practice – better than anyone else in the world could do – I get to travel this big old’ world with my family, and EXPERIENCE lots of magical moments like the one in that picture.
And when I look back at pictures like that – it makes all of the “frustration”, the “fear”, the “doubt” and the “worry” that I often live with – about whether or not I’m making the right decisions, or even going in the right direction with my career, 100% worthwhile!
(Are you living with something similar??…)
As I write to you today, I’m in Starbucks in La Jolla (Torrey Pines Road)… and I’m about to drive up to LA again to learn from “Tony Robbins”.
He’s at the LA convention centre starting Thursday.
After that, I drive to Phoenix to catch up with some good friends, work with a PT client in “Scottsdale”, and meet with the top guys at Infusionsoft and talk about how we can work together to ensure that PT’s benefit more from using their amazing software.
From there, we drive to “Las Vegas”… for a looooooong weekend of relaxation and fun.
From Vegas, we fly to “Denver” – for another conference I’ve paid $2000 to be attending.
And it’s from “Denver” that I’ll be teaching Module 1 of this course I created for you:
– The Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Program ! >
…I’ll be teaching Module 2 from Orlando.
and Module 3 from Conway, (NC)…
Ain’t decided where I’ll be for Module 4.
Perhaps London.
Where ever it is, it’ll be MY decision.
It’s a nice position to be in…
At the age of “34”… with a $1m+ PT practice that runs on Autopilot in a country with a completely free (socialist) health care system as my competitor, and able to travel the world with my family, meeting new people and enjoying different experiences.
Want to know how I do it??
The answer:
Quite simply, I “pay” for it.
In “time” with studying books and taking courses (often while I do travel) – or spending sometimes in excess of $5000 per month to talk to business coaches to tell me how.
Why would I not?…
I give them $2500… I get 10 x back a couple of weeks later as a result of implementing their advice.
Seems very logical to me.
So I guess the only thing that REALLY stands in the way of most PT’s living the life they REALLY want, is the decisions that make about investing in themselves!
That’s it.
See, while most PT’s are looking for anything and everything that’s FREE (…to find customers)…
…or STILL thinking that referrals from doctors are the way to go…
…the really smart ones – the ones innovating and growing and paying no attention to the catastrophic changes soon to hit the industry thanks to AOP’s – are investing their time and energy into doing something completely different…
They’re figuring out NOW, how to offer “cash up sells”, how to charge higher prices for those up sells and how to acquire NP’s from the internet using Google, Facebook and Re-marketing…
They’re sending engaging emails regularly, using social media strategically and combining all of that with newspaper advertising as well as using EDDM to find ideal clients to send postcards too…
What’s more…
They’re getting creative with their front end “offers”… and most importantly of all…
…they’re 100% clear on WHO their ideal client is!
Because without knowing that – it simply isn’t possible to grow and scale ANY business in a way that YOU can control and profit from.
I’d go so far as to say that my own “entrepreneurial journey” started with the realization that I didn’t even know WHO my PT business was created for.
And as long as I continued to NOT know who my ideal patient was – I was never able to custom tailor a perfect PT service or experience or have any chance of marketing success.
Of course all that’s changed now.
I have a LASER sharp definition of who “Mary” is (…I even know her name) – and what Mary values in her life.
And funnily enough – that’s the Module I’ll be teaching live from a very beautiful “Denver”, on November 3rd, on this course.
That and “how to create an offer they can’t refuse”.
If YOU want to start your PT Entrepreneurial Journey – come join us all on this amazing 6 week program where I’ll teach you everything you will need to do so… and show you how protect your profits in 2016 and beyond.
Click here to register.
Now I accept that NOT everyone wants this kind of “freedom”…
…And I know that most PT’s will let their “professional ego” get in the way of learning one of the most valuable skills you could ever own (…Marketing)…
…and I even know that some PT’s LOVE to wollow in the self pitty that comes with being able to blame everyone else around them for their lack of success…
But I’m hoping that you’re in the remaining 1%…
…and if you are, I invite you to join me to give your self the best possible shot you’ve got of a 50% to 250% increase in profits in 2016, and beyond.
Start Here:
– Register For The Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Program ! >
If you do, I’ll see you Live from Denver 😉
Paul Gough
Note: If you’re a Physical Therapist looking to learn Marketing ideas like this…
Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:
Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

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