On this PT Profit Academy Tutorial, I talk to you about how “Lead Generation” Marketing can help you to increase your client base AND grow your relationship with local doctors, simultaneously.
How Lead Generation Marketing Works
Lead Generation Marketing works on the basis that you first ATTRACT prospects to your PT practice by offering something of value.
A free “tips” report works best. Something easy to consume with some ideas and advice on ways to ease their pain – it could be something about easing back pain, for example.
When the person looking in the newspaper, on Facebook, in the yellow pages or receiving your postcard (the Media) sees the “offer” (of the free report), they step up and take action because they feel assured it is going to help them to live with less back pain.
We call this getting the prospect to “raise their hand” and in the beginning, we’re NOT asking people to call to book an appointment.
No… only to show us that they have a problem – one that we can solve – and one that they are somewhat interested in getting a resolve for, sometime soon.
It allows you to grow a relationship with that person – nurturing that person closer to your treatment room and to becoming a paying patient.
And what it also allows you to do, is because you’re beginning a relationship with that person, you can leverage that relationship to begin another relationship — with their DOCTOR.
One, that if you haven’t been able to get to talk to or get referrals from in the past, might just give you the “in” you’re looking for.
It’s a process I discussed at length with a group of my coaching clients – each of who have PT practices from all across the U.S.
Here’s the question:
“Paul… say you get a lead from the newspaper, and they require a referral from a doctor, what do you do then?…
Simple. And unless your STATE is different from the rest of the U.S, you can do the first evaluation free – without a referral from a Dr.
Then it would be really easy from then on…
Obviously you’ll know who their insurance is – and the system that you have to follow through with that insurance company to comply – but even if they do need a referral from a medical doctor, that person will go to their doctor to get that referral – and ask to be seen by you.
You’d be making the job of the MD so much easier too. After all, we all know that they’re NOT overly qualified to be assessing things like low-back pain (…and most of them feel uncomfortable doing it).
And to ensure that happens, what you can do is give them a “referral form” to take to the doctor to ensure it comes back to you.
In essence, you are “reverse engineering” the process.
You’ll build the trust with the client.
Then you’ll have it rubber stamped by a doctor who confirms that they need some help in the form of PT.
I have client in Phoenix, if you go on his website – ** www.canyon-pt.com** – he has on there the referral forms that patients can print off and take to their doctor.
And what you should also do is this:
When the prospect calls and requests your free report, you post the free report out – and you include the referral forms as part of the “welcome” pack
You might say:
“In anticipation of you coming to see me at my PT practice, here’s the referral slip that you need to take to your doctor after the first free session we have together.”
And that’s all that you need to do.
And what’s more…
What my clients have really benefitted from most is this:
When they get the “leads” responding to their ads, after they nurtured a “trust” based relationship with that person, they are asking clients if he can go along with them to see the doctor.
So he’s using this “Lead Generation” strategy to build relationships with doctors as well.
And, if the prospect turns around and says to you:
“Hey my family Dr is Smith” (who you don’t know) – you might say (and this is the way you phrase it):
“Would you like me to come with you to speak to that Dr to ensure I know exactly what he wants me to do for you?”…
So if you’re looking for an ‘in’ with more local doctors, this system and type of advertising gets you “in” the door.
But remember the “Lead Generation” process is all about ‘trust’…
The reason that prospects didn’t pick up the phone or go to see a PT BEFORE they saw your advert is simply because of a lack of trust – and a lack of familiarity.
With Lead Generation you are building this trust, you’re earning it, you’re nurturing it, you’re getting friendly relationships with them and you’re helping them make better decisions about their health – the doctors will recognize that too – and it won’t take long for them to realise that you are completely different to all the other “send me a referral too” PT’s in your town, all competing for the same business!
Another way to ensure that you keep all these leads to your self, you could actually even send them a letter saying:
Dear Doctor,
‘Mrs Smith is already under my care, I’ve got a relationship with her, I know her concerns and I’ve told her that the best thing to do next is to come and see you.
When you’ve looked her over, please refer her back to me so I begin her physical therapy.”
And that’s it.
You’re helping the doctor to get referrals, you’re getting referrals and the patient gets the care they need.
Implementing the Lead Generation system at your PT practice can help you to create your own independent supply of NP’s… and move you closer to doctors.
If you want some help to create that system for yourself, then the next thing to do, is to go here:
Here’s the step by step video program on how to do it:
It’s a program that I made to help small PT clinic owners to be able to easily implement their own “lead generating” system into their practices.
Go directly to take a look at this course, here:
– www.ptprofitacademy.com/new-patient-overload
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