Quick question:
Would your clinic be easier to run if someone took care of all of your marketing for you?..
If “yes”…
…Would you like me to personally help you create and implement my most effective marketing campaigns?
The same marketing strategy and content that are working to help other owners right now – as you read this?
Each month I work with two owners personally… to custom build out an ENTIRE “off-line” (with a touch of on-line) marketing campaign …and I wanted to see if you’d like me to do it for YOU.
Me and my tech team do ALL the work for you – often within 14 days.
I’m talking:
* “Newspaper ad campaigns” bringing in enquiries from NEW direct access patients
* Referral “leaflets” created for you to get referrals from your current patients (without having to ask for it!)
* Even “postcards” done for you
* Custom “Newsletters” so you so that you can blanket your town with every door direct mail looking for new (and even bring back some past!) patients.
I do all of the email follow up campaigns too.
(You do have a “follow up” system in place, right?…)
We provide you with the lead conversion scripts… and training videos for your front desk staff… and I even let you have access to ALL my website templates…
Even more:
I’ll set up your first landing pages so that you can get both “online” and “offline” enquiries – or do both at the same time!
I will personally spend DAYS working on your clinics marketing material – work with your staff to improve their sales techniques…
…and will create custom copy, make changes to your current marketing material, and fine tune each campaign specifically to YOUR clinic and the patients you want to attract.
We could start with getting some more “back pain” patients?
I know there’s TONS of “could be patients” with back pain in your area…
Or, maybe we could target some people with “neck” pain?
Or, “Knee pain” patients.
Even, “postnatal” or “sports injures” if that’s your speciality.
Either way, you’ll have nothing to do but wait for the phone to ring (With hours of running your first ads!).
I know this is not for everyone…
…and it isn’t cheap…
…but if it’s what you want and are looking for – then within 14 days from saying “yes” you’ll have a fully functioning new-patient getting marketing machine – specifically created for YOUR clinic.
Just fill out this form now and arrange a marketing strategy call call with me and tell me exactly what you need:
– Yes! I Want Someone To Do My Marketing For Me >>>
Talk soon,
Paul Gough
P.S. This is limited to 2 owners per month and 1 of those spots is already taken, so if you want to get going on this soon – just fill out this form if you’re interested:
— www.ptprofitacademy.com/strategy >>>
P.P.S Here’s what some other owners say about what I did for them:
“After a short meeting with Paul, he opened my eyes to the possibilities of what automation and direct response marketing can do to my business – and I am excited to now be taking my pt clinic to stratospheric levels under his tutelage.”
– Andrew Vertson, Intecore PT, Multi-clinic owner, Orange County.
“In just a few short weeks Paul put a marketing system in place at my clinic that is now helping me move away from relying on doctor referrals and seeing 30 patients per week, to my goal of 100 – talk to him, he will give you good idea, after idea, after idea!”
– Oliver Patalinghug, Restore PT, Rochesterhills (MI)

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