Story Time:
So there I was in “Tampa Bay” last week…
…visiting the clinic of “Renewal PT” (Greg Todd)…
…when a couple of noteworthy things happened:
1. The owner of a PT clinic flew out to join the “Impact Tour” all the way from Memphis.
She was not your typical owner…
Instead, a PT *ASSISTANT*, who owns her own clinic…
2. At the meet up, I heard the words:
“We don’t fit in”…
It was said by one of “5” students who came out from all over South Florida to meet me…
(I was inspired to say the least).
And, over a glass of “wine”, and a cold IPA, I got a glimpse of what the school system is doing (or not doing) to create more successful PTs…
Their gripe??
“No business education”.
It seems that School is doing an amazing job at creating “skilled” practitioners…
The problem being, many who graduate feel unconfident at being able to start their own “gig”.
And it’s no wonder…
PTs are never taught how to actually communicate what we do in such a way that people can confidently make a decision…
(So confident that they’re happy to.
Because that’s all business is…)
An ability to communicate in such a way that people can understand what they’ll get when they hand over an excess of $500 – and give up 12-15 hours of their time.
So why don’t they teach you how to do that??
Well, as I explained to the “5” students, it’s a bitter pill to swallow when you’ve just spent $150k on an education to be told you have to attend an entire semester on “how to speak” so that people can make a decision on choosing you as a provider.
The establishments argument is, “you now have a “D” before your name… that’s all you will never need”.
For a non-essential, non-urgent therapy, that most people see as a grudge purchase???…
As the conversation continued…
…it became more and more obvious that students ARE being told to “add more value” to the lives of patients…
…BUT that it involves being a better, more skilled practitioner.
I disagree.
Value is a *concept*…
It’s what ever the person you are speaking with at the time, decides it is…
It’s increased by spending “TIME” to help someone understand the MEANING of how what is about to happen, is likely to affect them.
Think about the typical process for how most patients find themselves as a “patient” at a PT clinic – and you’ll see that there’s very little time factored in to help someone actually understand what the heck is about to happen to them…
…and, what they’re about to pay for!
So here’s my final thing:
Think about your own life…
If you have a problem, do you rush to see “Uncle Jim” who is always too busy watching M.N.F to listen to you…
…or do you call on “Aunt Betsy” who switches off the TV set and stops everything she’s doing to listen to you at the first sign of an issue in your life????…
To be successful in the new health care economy you absolutely do need better business and marketing skills…
…but you also need to act a little more like your favourite Aunt Betsy…
TIME – and the ability to make a better decision because of that – is the thing your patients VALUE most.
Build it into your clinic modus-operandi and watch how easy it is to become more successful.
Lesson over…
I gotta’ dash – the Impact Tour is making its way to Hollywood Studios later today…
Paul Gough
For more PT Business Education Material:
P.S Here’s a picture or two from the “Tampa Bay” meet up last week:
That’s me with some of the top PTs in Florida ^^^…
And that’s me with Gregg Todd ^^^ – we had a fun time shooting some videos for Social Media at his beautiful house…
P.P.S The Impact Tour moves to the North East this weekend (Day 55/63)…
I’m headed to New Jersey, Delaware, then on to Charlotte and Myrtle Beach.

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