What Would “Steve Jobs” Have Done … If He Were A PT Clinic Owner And In Charge Of Marketing and Sales?

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Last week I was talking with one of my clients (from Philly) about something I believe to be a critical factor in PT clinic success…

That being, the concept of “owning the experience” that patients encounter when ever they do business with us.

Let me explain:

A few years back I read the amazing biography of “Steve Jobs” written by Walter Isaacson.

And one of the things that I took away from reading the book was “Jobs” obsession with “owning the experience” of his customers.

So adamant that he knew what was right for his customers, he refused to let anyone have the ability to mix what he termed “crappy software”, with that of his amazing hardware.

And so he LOCKED DOWN every single Apple device ever produced.

It’s the reason you can’t, without bruce force, get into the back of an iPhone or Imac and why the Apple software and interface is so different from that of “Windows”.

(Tis also the reason why iMacs get zero bugs or virus’s – and Windows, well, do!).

Now when “Jobs” first did this, consumers hit the ROOF!

Labeled him arrogant.

And he risked a HUGE backlash from people who wanted to use his hardware and computers, but not his software.

But he stuck to his beliefs.

(Insisted to the shareholders that he knew his customers better than anyone).

Who were his customers?

Back then, just “3%” of the entire population likely to buying a computer.

The result of “owning his experience” and understanding his customers better than anyone else?

The most profitable company on the planet.

Even though 97% of the population disagreed with what he did, he still made it work.

So here’s my question:

How can you “own your experience”?

Think, “what if Steve Jobs was a PT Owner”.

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What would he do to change the industry??

Things like…

How can you make your phone calls “different” to be more empathetical and warm – maybe lasting longer but making deeper connections with patients from the “get-go”, rather than transactional and ending as soon as possible telling your self it’s ok because everyone is “so busy” these days.

(No they’re not. They just think you are).

The waiting room — does it look like everyone else’s with a few outdated magazines?

And is your secretary too busy answering the phone or filling paper to even strike up a conversation with someone right there in front of her (likely to be nervous as hell about what’s going to happen next)?.

What about the “clothes” that your staff wear? Same, “clinical” uniform or office attire that all receptionist wear…

…Or, something instantly recognisable and more memorable such as a “yoga” outfit?

What about the “music” you’re playing in the clinic?…

Well thought out to make your IDEAL patients feel more at home, or just playing the TV or radio, pumping more bad news and celebrity trash into their lives for the 60 minutes they’re with you?…

The “scent” of the room?…

The coffee you serve…

The “couches” they sit?

The bright lighting and the mood of the colors on the walls…

All of these things are your chance to “own the experience”.

Your chance to actually stand out from the competitors but more importantly than that, create an experience for your patients unrivalled by any other PT in town that has patients “sad” to be leaving your care and EAGER to come back.

Not needed, you say?…

It’s about your “pt skills”, I hear you cry!

I beg to differ.

These FRONT END experiences are what your patients remember… and more importantly, how they make their buying decisions.

See, people make emotional decisions – not logical ones.

And a failure to understand this most basic of human behaviour is why so much PT clinic marketing fails.

And, reason why all of your clinic marketing has to be written in such a way that triggers an “emotional response”.

If it were as simple as placing a small advert in the yellow pages for a PT clinic that knows how to ease back pain, chances are you wouldn’t be feeling the need to even read these emails.


That’s it for today’s lesson.

Hit me back a reply and let me know what you think.

Or, book a Strategy Call with me to improve your clinics marketing game plan, here:

– Show Me How To Create A Marketing Plan That Works ! >


Paul Gough.

P.S Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas..

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your PT clinic sent to you by email:

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About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
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