Story time:
So I started the year in “Australia”…
…and in the last “7” weeks since coming home, I’ve moved house… successfully launched Accelerator 3.0 (with 58 new students in total joining the 6 week program)…
…flew from London to San Diego to attend a 3 day marketing conference…
…drove from San Diego to Anaheim to attend the 3 day APTA CSM conference (and take in some Disney)…
…and, as I write this email to you now, I’m in Myrtle Beach (SC) – for a 3 day Mastermind Event.
It’s been an epic few weeks.
More to come, too.
Next week we fly to Phoenix before going back to San Diego and on to Austin, Texas.
We’re having the time of our lives…
My two year old son “Harry” travels with me and while his Daddy improves his business education, right now he’s at California Adventure land with his Mother, having a LOT of fun in the sun.
And while all this goes on…
Guess what is running nicely in the back ground, some 6,000 miles away…
That’s right…
“The Paul Gough Physio Rooms”.
The 14 staff I employ back there continue to run the systems I set in place about 2 years ago when I DECIDED I wanted to live this life IN-SPITE of the challenges our industry faces.
People tell me all the time that I have a great life.
They look surprised when I tell them:
“I know,
I designed it”.
See, most people won’t, or can’t accept that everything that happens to them today is because of the decisions they’ve made in the past.
“If you want to know what your decisions were in the past, look at your business today”.
“If you want to know what your business will be like in the future, look at your decisions today”.
It’s that simple.
What’s more….
Having spent 3 full days with 14,000 other PT’s last week, I’m even more certain of this:
There’s NEVER been a better time for you to be running a PT business.
The amount of negativity, resentment and skepticism about the future of the PT industry is making it easier for you and I to be successful…
While they all whine, bitch and moan about situations they can’t control…
…we can make decisions about things that we can!
Like, WHO we’ll even let into our clinics.
The “old-school” PT business owner thinks they have to accept any old patient who calls…
It’s as if… “we got a new one – lets cash the cheque, so we can eat”!
In my humble opinion, continuing to rely upon referrals from doctors is one of the big reasons the PT industry is in such a mess.
Think about what you REALLY get with referrals from doctors:
* Some “good” patients, some not so good.
* Some aged “21”, some aged “61”.
* Some with “wrist pain”, some with “ankle pain”, some with “back pain”
* Some with $50 co-pay, some with $5000 deductibles.
* Some knowing what a PT does…
…but nearly all having NO CLUE and are only there just because their doctor said so.
With no control over who is being referred…
…is it any wonder that most PT clinics are a mess with the un-predictability and frustration at dealing with patients who don’t appear to see the value of a 12 session plan – and don’t want to part with their co-pay?…
So the moral of todays story:
The ONLY way you can grow and scale a business – on your terms, to live the life YOU want – is when YOU decide WHO it is you want to work with.
Figure that out, and the rest becomes a lot easier.
My “58” new Accelerator 3.0 students have been doing it all week.
Want some help to get going?
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Paul Gough

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