So I’m heading home to tonight to “pack my bags”…
I’m about to set off on a pretty hectic trip that is taking me to Asheville, North Carolina for a Mastermind Event with my own business mentor.
(We ALL need one!)
While there…
I’m stopping by to see “Aaron LeBauer” – we’re doing a “co-mentoring” session together at his clinic in Greenborough on Tuesday night…
And, what I’m VERY excited about is spending two days working side-by-side with one of my clients “Dean Volk”, of Volk PT.
He’s asked me to go into this clinic and look at it from a completely different perspective…
To look at everything that his clinic is currently doing well – and make it even better.
See, it’s not just marketing that improves clinics profitability.
There’s hidden treasure in your practice that will reveal itself to you when you look more closely at the INTERNAL systems and procedures that power your business.
Most business owners have a “blind spot”…
(Me included – hence the looooong old trip to Ashville).
What they think they WANT (i.e marketing) to solve their problem … is not always actually what they NEED!
But because they’re so entrenched in their practice, they can’t always see the price they’re paying for a PT assistant who isn’t communicating with patients in the same, expert and engaging way, that the PT did at the initial eval…
(…and so drops off schedule!)
The LACK OF connection made by a their receptionist who comes to work chewing gum each day and who thinks her role is to answer the phone and book appointments… and if she does that, she’s done her job!
See, patients expect (…demand!) a lot more bang.for.their.buck these days – and it’s often as simple as changing the questions you ask on the phone, that’ll change the entire future of a relationship with a patient – that could so very easily, last a life time.
Makes sense that if THEY’RE having to pay more (…copay!), you gotta’ give ‘em more to get it…
The thing is…
MOST owners are too busy listening to their “professional ego” that keeps telling them, it’s all about “making them well”.
Well, it kinda’ is…
But that’s NOT how you get in the big league income streams…
I couldn’t sleep at night if I thought that the future of my practice depended solely upon being a “great PT”…
Well, there’s about 41, 753 other PT’s reading this email right now… who are no doubt all great clinicians.
Most, probably FAR superior to me when it comes to fixing “sciatica”.
Trouble is…
They’re not all running incredibly profitable businesses, OR, even at all able to afford themselves the TIME to take nice trips to nice places like Asheville, to learn even more about how to run that same profitable business, even better.
Go figure.
If you’re in or around Asheville, Charlotte or North Carolina next week… lets meet up!
I’ll see you in Starbucks for a “grande, extra hot, no foam skinny, caramel latte”.
Paul Gough
If you’d like to discover how to take your PT clinic to the NEXT level and explode your profits…Just click here to get regular tips sent directly to your inbox:
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