Comes a question from “Florida” about getting referrals:
“Paul – how would I go about
firing up a referral program
primarily online?”…
– Ramon, Miami.
The answer?
Start “off line”!
Let me explain:
See, a few years back now there was a distinct difference between advertising media that was primarily “online” (…Facebook, google etc), and media that was “offline” (…newsletters, postcards, flyers etc).
But now, the game has changed.
The two are now completely intertwined.
Meaning you CAN have one with out the other…
But, it’s much easier to get success if you use them both together.
An example would be something I create for my private clients called a “referral flyer”.
It’s akin to a “promo-card”… (just a bit bigger)… and instead of advertising the PT facility, it simply advertises a “Free Report” and can be physically given to patients when they arrive for treatment and or, placed inside envelopes that get mailed to their homes.
The “flyer” does NOT promote physical therapy in any way shape or form – only solutions to a common problem, such as “low-back pain”.
It conditions patients to tell patients about helpful INFORMATION.
So when “Betsy’s” friend complains of another bad night sleep thanks to low back ache – she’s able to tell her about this great new, easy to access, free report that will help her!
And the “referral flyer” directs people to a web-site or a free recorded message, to get it (the free report).
(Mixing online with offline)
And what happens when they get to the website?…
We collect their contact details in exchange for the free report.
And the result?
A “relationship” has begun.
You have the contact details of someone with low back pain – the prospect has some valuable information on a problems they’re having and more than that, because you GAVE first, is now open to learning more about how you can REALLY help them. i.e in person at your PT clinic where the dollars are very soon to be exchanged!
Are more people likely to refer to you for information than appointments?
Absolutely “yes!”.
Not for debate.
And for the PT clinic that becomes the “go-to” place for trusted advice and information… the “riches” will undoubtedly follow!
To sum up todays lesson:
Asking people to refer their friends or family to you is hard.
You’re asking them to be a “salesman” for you and they have a LOT to lose if it doesn’t work out.
The answer to “how do I create a referral program” is, as always, found in the “relationship” with your patients.
And how you condition each one to recognise that you’re a trusted source of reliable information FIRST… and some one who is happy to give your knowledge away, BEFORE you get any dollars in return!.
If you can do that, I guarantee, you’
Referral Flyers is just one of many ways to do it.
I can show you many more.
Let me know if you’re ready for some help with this type of thing by requesting a Strategy Call with me where we’ll map out a marketing plan for your clinic:
– Help Me Create An Unstoppable Referral Program At My Clinic ! >
Paul Gough.

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