Story time:
So a couple of days back I had a conversation with a PT from “New Orleans” (…on a “Strategy Call”)…
He is “Cash Based” – two years in, and is doing “ok”.
(But wants more!)
He told me that one of his biggest problems was that no matter what he said or did, he couldn’t get people to agree to more than “3” or “4” sessions with him.
(Even though they need MORE.)
Want to know what the problem was?:
Could it be his “evaluation techniques”?…
Or, maybe the “out of pocket cost”?…
Or, is the “insurance” issue still lurking in the back drop and even though they’re seeing him, they’ve got one eye on going to a big hospital system across the street…?
Well, actually, it was none of the above.
The issue was much simpler…
See, one look at his website told me everything I needed to know…
Almost every single “testimonial” on this PT’s website spoke about how “fast” he is able to treat his patients…
These testimonials on his site spoke all about how he got people better in “just 3” (or 4!) visits.
And, because patients search on our websites looking to find any last bit of information just to make sure they’ve made the right decision – is it any wonder that their EXPECTATIONS are that they too, will be healed, in “just 3 or 4 sessions” when they see these testimonials?
Of course not.
So the real problem?
It’s a “Marketing” problem.
And, a lack of a REAL value anchor that gives you a genuine competitive advantage, over your competition.
Instead of running on “speed”…
…what should be happening is that your perfect, most ideal patient is making a decision based upon the superior INFORMATION that you provide that lets them come to their own conclusion over why you are better.
This information equates to VALUE.
Now, giving people information to help them make better decisions means that the relationship gets off to a “slow start”…
…but it gathers pace at a rate of “knots” as your prospective patient REALIZES that you, obviously, are the best provider of choice for them, as they see it, for what they need!
If you’re trying to win the race by testimonials that say how quick you work…
…it’s just one step up from saying you’re the “cheapest”.
And the type of client you’ll attract, is the one that wants the job doing in the shortest, fastest possible time frame.
That’s fine…
But what if that guy or gal has had “Sciatica” for the last 6 months and he expects to be fixed inside “3” visits…
You’re going to run into “push back” when you explain that it’s likely to take 4-6 weeks, and maybe 9-12 sessions to get the long lasting relief he needs.
On the flip side…
If that person has entered your world through a “lead nurture system” that educates them all about low-back pain and sciatica – and how long it REALLY takes to heal them – you’re going to get more buy in.
What’s more…
You’re able to charge more…
Because that same educational based nurture system builds TRUST into the relationship…
…ads significant value…
…and ensures that people arrive at your clinic with the right perception of what you’re really going to do – and for that, they are happy to pay more for.
Aaaall right, lesson over for today.
If you want some help to improve your clinics chances of being more successful…

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