Why You’re Not In The Physical Therapy Business

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Recently, I received this question from an owner during a Strategy call:


“Paul, I’m noticing a decline in doctor referrals – I think it’s state wide as more hospital systems buy out practices – but it’s not just that, I’m having a problem getting what referrals I am left with, to actually show up… how can I get more people to show up for all of the visits I prescribe?!”

– Danny T. PT Owner, Oregon.


Common problem.

And there’s a lesson here for you too:

“Don’t become over reliant upon doctor referrals”.

They’re drying up faster than the “Sahara Desert” as more and more sell out to the big hospitals…

But, what is more worrying is the increasing lack of proof of VALUE that PT’s actually provide to their patients.

And without evidence of value in what you do, how can you expect people to commit their time and money to coming to see you?

Of course, they wont.

Or, if they do, it’s done so reluctantly – but they stop coming maybe 6 or 7 sessions in.

Sound familiar?

The solution?…

Easy peesy.

Build your own “trust” and “value” system.

That’s right…

Put a system in place at your clinic that allows you to *begin a relationship* with potential patients BEFORE they even get to the point of going to see their doctor.

It’s much better to pick up a potential new patient in the early stages of thinking about getting a solution to his or her back pain so that you can influence that decision making process for your SELF.

You’ll do that using a marketing process called “Lead Generation” which generates goodwill, trust and authority BEFORE any prescription of care is offered up OR you ask for money!

What happens next?

All of a sudden, issues such as “Copay” and “deductibles” disappear because your patients are buying into something that they fully understand the value of… and even better, have made their own decision to commit to.

In the absence of “value” being explained, patients are left to decide for themselves whether or not your 12 visit care plan will be worth the amount they have to contribute (in time and money).

And that absence, by the way, is the single biggest reason your patients will tell you they can’t afford to pay it (copay).

It’s the only excuse they know.

But there’s a Big difference.

Massive difference.


I’ll bet that if you’re constantly battling with reluctant patients or “copay” issues at your clinic it’s because you’re not clearly linking your specialist solutions to the transformations that people want from coming to see you.

What I mean by “transformations”?

I’ve explained it many times to my own therapy staff like this:

“We’re in the transformation business – perhaps even the salvation business – and people will pay almost anything to have their situation turned round by you and most will show up for as many visits as you recommend, as long as they trust you and they leave EVERY single session knowing that YOU know what THEY really want to achieve from coming to see you”.

Ae you doing that?

Or, just prescribing “3 sessions per week for 4 weeks” and hoping they agree?…

If so, try prescribing people some HOPE instead.

Offer a prescription of care that in the end means they can do simple but vital things like play with grandchildren in the swing park, stand in line at the grocery store or continue to be able to care for their elderly wife or husband, through their own back pain situation.

When you prescribe a treatment plan with goals like that in mind, they’ll be happy to show up and eager for more.

Anyway… that’s it for todays lesson.

Hope this helps.

Use this form here to get to get your own transformation:

Investigate Your Opportunity To Have Your PT Clinic Revenue Transformed!

Paul Gough

P.S Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

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About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
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