Here is some food for thought on the subject of attracting patients to your practice – independent of doctors – using this strategy.
If you are already involved in Marketing your practice to consumers, a question to consider is:
“Why is it that there are thousands of people in your small town with things like neck pain, knee pain, back pain etc…
…and yet very few of those 1000’s are visiting a physical therapist to get those problems resolved??”
In my town alone, there’s 5 different physical therapy clinics trying to serve 70,000 people.
On the face of it, you’d think there’d be more than enough for us all.
And there is.
But the other 4 aren’t as busy as I am.
Not even close.
How do I know??
Because I often call them up on a Monday to ask if they are ok to accommodate the patients we can’t fit in – or don’t want to take on.
They never refuse.
The difference is not just my PT skills, although I would like to tell you it is.
It’s as much to do with positioning, status and authority.
And here’s the big paradox:
The more you promote “your PT clinics services”, the harder it is to get new patients.
One of the big secrets of direct to consumer marketing is that people are drawn towards people who appear to be EXPERTS – and repelled by people who seem “general’.
Every time you run an advert that says you’re a “physical therapist” – you’ve just labelled yourself a “generalist”.
It’s just one of the important issues I cover with the PT’s I work with.
If you’re not yet involved in marketing directly to the consumers, here’s something to think about:
We all have untapped assets in our professional lives.
An accountant will tell you that your assets are equipment, cash in bank etc.
But your biggest untapped asset may be your ability to help other people.
The area that you are an “expert”, where you could help others but at the moment you’re not, has the potential to easily have you earning six figures per year – and more – from your practice.
In the eyes of your potential new patients, adopting the strategy of “Education Based Marketing” turns you into an EXPERT, instantly.
It’ll attract patients to you who are LESS hassle and much more AFFLUENT – and is one of the fastest ways to financial freedom at your practice.
I’ve been perfecting this strategy at my own practice for nearly a decade – in the harsh environment of the UK where all citizens are entitled to Physical Therapy for FREE – paid for by the socialist Government.
I USED to struggle and reply upon “workers comp” type referrals… and I can tell you that ever since I turned to “Education Based Marketing”, I’ve had no problems charging $150+ even though they can get PT *free*, paid for by the Government.
The strategy is now working at many of the PT clinics that I help in the U.S – and if you adopt it, you’ll have people queuing up to be your patients – happy to pay their copay or deductible.
I’m releasing this now because I know that most PT clinics suffer in January and February when people are reluctant to eat into their “deductible” so early in the year.
Education Based Marketing makes what your offering irresistible – and there’ll be much less resistance to coming to see you in the notoriously slow months of January and February.
To be honest, I’ve held back in revealing my insider strategies for fearing of my own competitors finding all of this material.
As long as you don’t practice within 25 miles of any of my clinics, I’m happy to share them all with you.
Get them here:
January and February are looming fast – and I don’t want you to be as slow as most of the other PT’s in the US, are likely to be.
Paul Gough

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